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Delivery terms and prices:
1. The supplier indicates before concluding the contract the total value of the order for all the goods contained therein. The value of the postal and transport costs, not included in the price of the goods, is provided as information to the User when selecting the goods for concluding the contract of sale.
2. The price for delivery of orders with courier companies Speedy and Econt, regardless of the number of products ordered, is at the expense of the user. -
3. Deliveries are made only on the territory of Bulgaria and only after confirmation by the user. A representative of the online store contacts the user by phone to confirm the order and specify the day and time of delivery during business hours.
4. Delivery to an address is carried out by courier from Monday to Friday between 9.00 and 17.00. Deliveries are not made on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.
5. The delivery term is up to 10 (ten) working days from the date of dispatch of the delivery. Beauty Innovation is not responsible for delayed shipment caused by the courier company. In the period of large-scale campaigns such as "Black Friday" and "Easter Sale", there may be a delay in sending the order up to 20 working days from its receipt.
5.1. Orders placed after 4pm on weekdays are processed the next business day. All Saturday and Sunday requests are processed on Monday.
6. It is recommended that the user check whether the contents of the shipment correspond to his order before paying the price. By paying the price of the order and delivery and placing the signature of the user on the delivery documents, the latter gives his consent to the type and content of the delivery.
7. The order is received only by the person who placed the order
8. If the goods are not delivered for various reasons when delivered by a courier, the latter is obliged to visit the site a second time within the working day or the next working day. The second visit is carried out after contact has been established by telephone between the courier and the person who guarantor of the goods. The return visit is not paid for by the customer.
9. In case of advance payment and the User's refusal to receive the order within 7 days, the value of the products shall be refunded in the manner specified by the User, with the costs of delivery and bank charges being borne by the User.
10. In the case of a wrong or missing product, it is sent on the same or the next working day. A wrong product is replaced at the expense of "Beauty Innovation" OOD. In the case of a wrong or missing product, the User does not pay an additional delivery fee