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Privacy and data protection policy in relation to Regulation /EU/ 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27.04.2016. on the protection of natural persons in relation to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and on the repeal of Directive 95/46/EC /General Data Protection Regulation/
1. General information:
1.1. The website is owned by "Beauty Innovation" OOD. The company carries out commercial activity related to electronic and physical trade of cosmetic goods and services, offering goods in its facilities, data and is the owner of the professional hair brand About Your Hair. In relation to the entry into force of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95 /46 EC, we are committed to informing you about how we collect and use your personal data through our website.
Types of personal data we store:
Beauty Innovation Ltd. collects, uses, stores and processes your personal data in order to provide you with its goods and services. Your data is used to manage your profile on our website and manage your purchases. Your personal data may be used for purposes related to improving the quality of our services.
2. Basic principles in the processing of personal data
➢ Principle of legality, good faith and transparency
➢ Principle "limitation of objectives"
➢ Data minimization principle
➢ Principle "accuracy"
➢ Principle "storage limitation"
➢ Principle "integrity and confidentiality
3. Categories of personal data that are processed
3.1. In order to fulfill the goals of executing contracts for the purchase and sale of goods with the customers of the online store, we process the following personal data - name, surname, social security number, permanent address, delivery address, email address, phone number, bank account ;
3.2. To fulfill the goals of creating and maintaining a customer profile when registering in an electronic store, processes the following personal data - email address and login data
3.3. To fulfill the purposes of sending an information bulletin (newsletter), advertisements and marketing offers) processes the following personal data – email address, first name, last name.
3.4. For the performance of financial and accounting activities, processes the following personal data - name, surname, social security number and billing address (in case of issuing an invoice to a natural person); payment and transaction data;
3.5. To fulfill the objectives of this Policy, processes the following personal data - cookies (in case the client has cookies enabled in his web browser, the Company processes the behavioral records from the cookies located on the website), IP address, data provided by the client's browser, click data, products visited.
4. Storage periods for the various categories of data
4.1. Personal data provided in connection with online orders are stored for a period of 5 (five) years in order to protect the legal interests of the Company in case of legal or administrative disputes with customers of the electronic store, and the accounting documents are stored for the corresponding statutory period;
4.2. Personal data provided when registering a profile on the website is stored for a period not longer than the existence of the customer's profile on the website. After the expiration of this period, the Company takes the necessary care to delete and destroy this data without undue delay.
4.3. Personal data provided to receive newsletters, advertisements and marketing offers are stored until consent to their processing is withdrawn;
4.4. Personal data provided for financial and accounting activities are stored for the relevant statutory period;
4.5. The personal data processed for the purposes of this Policy - until the fulfillment of the purposes for which they were collected.
5. The categories of recipients to whom the personal data may be disclosed
5.1. to the natural persons to whom the data refer;
5.2. to persons, if provided for in a regulatory act;
5.3. to persons processing personal data;
5.4. to the owners of "Beauty Innovation" and the relevant financial institutions and payment systems.
Personal data is not disclosed to recipients in third countries and international organizations.
"Beauty Innovation processes personal data of users on the basis of a contract concluded between the User and "Beauty Innovation".
6. User Rights
Each User of the site enjoys all the rights to protect personal data according to Bulgarian legislation and the law of the European Union.
Each User has the right to:
● Being informed (in connection with the processing of his personal data by the administrator);
● Access to your own personal data;
● Correction (if the data is inaccurate);
● Deletion of personal data (right "to be forgotten");
● Restriction of processing by the administrator or personal data processor;
● Portability of personal data between individual administrators;
● Objection to the processing of his personal data;
● The data subject also has the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which gives rise to legal consequences for the data subject or similarly affects him to a significant extent;
● Right to judicial or administrative protection in the event that the data subject's rights have been violated.
The user can request deletion if one of the following conditions is present:
● The personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed;
● The user withdraws his consent on which the data processing is based and there is no other legal basis for the processing;
● The data user objects to the processing and there are no overriding legal grounds for the processing;
● Personal data has been processed unlawfully;
● Personal data must be deleted in order to comply with a legal obligation under Union law or the law of a Member State that applies to the controller;
● The personal data were collected in connection with the provision of information society services to children and the consent was given by the holder of parental responsibility for the child.
The user has the right to limit the processing of his personal data by the administrator when:
● Dispute the accuracy of personal data. In this case, the restriction of processing is for a period that allows the administrator to verify the accuracy of the personal data;
● The processing is unlawful, but the User does not want the personal data to be deleted, but instead requires the restriction of its use;
● The Administrator no longer needs the personal data for the purposes of processing, but the User requires them for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims;
● objects to the processing pending verification of whether the legal grounds of the administrator prevail over the interests of the User.
Right of portability. The data subject has the right to receive the personal data concerning him and which he has provided to an administrator in a structured, widely used and machine-readable format and has the right to transfer such data to another administrator without hindrance from the administrator to whom the personal data data is provided when the processing is based on consent or a contractual obligation and the processing is carried out in an automated manner. When exercising the right to data portability, the data subject has the right to obtain a direct transfer of the personal data from one administrator to another, when this is technically feasible.
Right to object. Users have the right to object to the administrator against the processing of their personal data. The administrator of personal data is obliged to terminate the processing, unless it proves that there are compelling legal grounds for the processing that take precedence over the interests, rights and freedoms of the data subject, or for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims. In case of objection to the processing of personal data for the purposes of direct marketing, the processing should be stopped immediately.
Complaint to the supervisory authority. Every User has the right to file a complaint against illegal processing of his personal data to the Commission for the Protection of Personal Data or to the competent court.
7.1. Use of cookies
"Cookies" are short text files or small packages of information that are stored by the Internet browser of your terminal device (computer, tablet, laptop or mobile phone) when you visit various sites and pages on the Internet. The main purpose of cookies is to make the user recognizable when he returns to the Website. Some "cookies" also have a more specific application, such as to remember the user's behavior on the site and facilitate the user's use of the Website. More information about how cookies work can be found on the Internet.
How are cookies used on this Website? We use cookies on this Website primarily to facilitate the site's usability, improve its performance, and store information about user behavior. No personal data is stored in this process, i.e. through the "cookies" of the site, we cannot identify you as a person, which is why the Personal Data Protection Act does not apply to the collection of this information. The information collected by cookies is usually used in an aggregated form for the purpose of analyzing the user behavior of the Website, which allows us to improve the functionality of the site, user paths and the content used.
What cookies are used on this Website?
Session "cookies" This type of "cookies" makes it easier for you to use the site, as they store information temporarily, only within the session of the used browser. Typically, the information that is stored through them is what goods you have added to the cart, which pages of the site you have visited and how you arrived at certain information. These cookies do not collect information from your end device and are automatically deleted when you leave the Website or terminate your browser session.
Persistent cookies allow us to store specific browsing information, such as analyzing site visits, how you reached the Website, what pages you viewed, what options you selected, and where you went through this Website. Tracking this information enables us to make improvements to the Website, including correcting errors and expanding content. The storage period of this type of "cookies" varies according to their specific purpose.
Third Party "Cookies". Our Website contains links to other sites or embedded content from other sites, for example from Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Tik Tok, Google+, partner websites. It is possible that when you visit these sites or open their content, cookies from these websites are stored on your end device. It is these cookies that are defined as third-party cookies, and we have no control over the generation and management of these cookies. For this reason, we advise you to look for information about them and how they are managed on the respective third-party websites.
How can I manage the use of cookies by this Website? All browsers allow the management of cookies from a specially created folder on your browser. You can block the receipt of cookies, delete all or part of them, or set your preferences regarding the use of cookies before initiating a visit to our site. Please note that deleting or blocking cookies may adversely affect the functionality of our Website and therefore your user experience on it.
Also, if you have already given your consent to the use of cookies, you can withdraw it by visiting the special section of the website "Cookie information" HERE.
7.22.Disabling or blocking cookies
Controlling, turning off or blocking cookies is managed by your browser settings. Keep in mind that the complete prohibition of the use of all "cookies" may reflect on the functional presentation of the site, its efficiency and the accessibility of certain information.
This Privacy Policy was adopted on 01/15/2024 and is effective as of that date.
All amendments and additions to this Privacy Policy will be applied after posting its current content on our website.