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Keratin – without a doubt, this is the top ingredient that professional beauticians should have in their repair products. Everyone is familiar with keratin therapy, which restores the hair in depth. But let's delve a little deeper into the information about the positive effects of keratin. The hair itself is made up of 95% keratin and the appearance of the hair depends on its quantity. We cannot want our hair to grow faster if it is not healthy. So her recovery should come first. Keratin undoubtedly makes hair more resistant by restoring the integrity of the hair. KERESTORE™ 2.0 (hydrolyzed keratin) is a new generation of Keratin, which is also called intelligent natural keratin, because it mimics the keratins of human hair to the highest degree and because it ensures that only damaged areas are intelligently restored without unnecessary aggravation. Hydrolyzed keratin binds perfectly to the hair's own keratin. Increases the diameter of the hair, giving density. The component has a focused smart function for maximally effective and targeted restoration of the most damaged areas of the hair surface, locates the damaged areas of the hair, reconstructs them and then laminates the hair in its entirety. With continued action even after washing. KERESTORE 2.0 exhibits reverse solubility with water, which improves its substantiality and allows it to provide long-lasting, targeted recovery for damaged hair, even after washing the ampoule, it continues to work. In addition to strengthening and strengthening hair, keratin reduces hair tangling, increases hair flexibility and gives extreme shine. See Keratin Repair Serum and ampoules with KERESTORE 2.0
Ceramides - this is the secret weapon of regeneration. They regenerate hair and help stimulate hair growth. Both keratin and ceramides restore hair structure, which should be a primary goal if you want healthier, shinier hair. Ceramides are lipids that occur naturally in the skin and are important for barrier function and hydration retention. next generation ceremide multi-functional bio inspired ceremide enhanced cellular khezia called stronger and shinier hair. With age, under the influence of aggressive environmental influences and treatment, hair loses part of its lipid layer, which provides 50% of the protective barrier, as a result of which it becomes dry and damaged. Check out the ultra-concentrated mask with next generation bio ceremides
There are 3 proven ingredients in the fight against hair loss - Procapil™, Aminexil and Minoxidil.
Procapil™ - a completely natural plant component. A scientific formula that stops hair loss, regenerates root follicles and stimulates cell dynamism. Prevents hair aging, increases its density and improves hair nutrition and microcirculation.- The growth phase is prolonged
stimulation of the follicle cell metabolism, which leads to a delay in hair loss.-Does not cause "withdrawal syndrome" (addiction)What does the Procapil formula contain?Biotinyl - a type of biotin that is absorbed by the hair. Essential for the maintenance of newly grown hair and also helps to block DHT; Apigenin – a flavonoid found in citrus fruits that protects cells and Oleic acid that stimulates growth and regulates sebum. Clinical test results: 68% of volunteers had an improvement in anagen hair density, 80% stopped hair loss, 90% noticed new hair growth
Aminexil - an anti-hair loss molecule with clinically proven effectiveness. It reduces the micro-imbalance of the scalp and increases its resistance. Hair fall is significantly reduced. Supports better "anchoring" of the hair in the scalp.
Minxidil- is a drug against androgenic alopecia (hair loss). Previously, minoxidil was used as a vasodilator prescribed in oral tablets to treat high blood pressure, with side effects of hair growth and baldness. Minus is the side effects on other organs of the body.
Check out Procapil™ and Aminexil Hair Loss Serum
and ampoule box :

Hyaluronic acid - has become a "classic" - the most recognizable effective ingredient supporting skin hydration. A "moist veil" of hyaluronic acid covers the skin or hair and keeps it moist and shiny without a sticky touch that will remain even after rinsing. Hyaluronic acid is contained in various organs in our body such as the eye, joints, skin; it is at the heart of dermatology and antiaging skin care. Due to the ability of hyaluronic acid to "lock" water, its main function is moisturizing. Thanks to its highly hygroscopic properties, hyaluronic acid gives instant intense hydration to cells and slows down aging.
Retinol (provitamin B5) - D-panthenol is valued in skin and hair care for its moisturizing properties. Vitamin B-5 is essential because it creates a strong barrier against irritation, seals in moisture leaving the skin and scalp soft, has a soothing effect, fights inflammation and promotes skin elasticity and rejuvenation, leaving a smooth texture and glowing complexion. This means that panthenol is vital for maintaining a balanced, moisturized and protected scalp. With antibacterial anti-inflammatory action. Provitamin B-5 has many beneficial properties for the hair and scalp. Panthenol is used in hair care primarily for moisture retention because it has a hydrophilic and hygroscopic chemical structure, meaning it attracts water from the atmosphere and binds it to its molecules.
Aquaxyl - is an extremely modern and effective ingredient suitable for people with dry and/or dehydrated skin, used for facial cosmetics. One of the best hydrating ingredients in the world is Aquaxyl. It hydrates all layers of the skin and keeps moisture in it for a long time. Stimulates the production of hyaluronic acid and prolongs the immediate moisturizing effect of hyaluronic acid, which loses its strength over time. Strengthens the barrier functions of the delicate film of hyaluronic acid by limiting water loss.Aquaxyl is a trademark of an ingredient developed by the French company SEPPIC and is a mix of three other ingredients – Xylitylglucoside, Anhydroxylitol, and Xylito. Xylitol is the best known of the three ingredients. It is a sugar alcohol found in various fruits and vegetables. Xylitol hydrates the skin and prevents moisture from evaporating.
Anhydroxylitol and Xylitylglucoside are also natural plant ingredients that keep the skin hydrated for a very long time. They "take care" of the skin's water reservoirs so that it can absorb more moisture and retain that moisture for longer. Another important role they play is in helping the body produce hyaluronic acid, which further contributes to skin hydration.
Hyal hydra (+) - a new generation moisturizing agent containing 5 types of hyaluronic acid, surpassing standard hydration by a factor of 2 and providing unprecedented moisturizing efficacy. These 5 types of hyaluronic acids are cross-linked, encapsulated, low, medium and high molecular weight, which provides a synergy of 5 types of hyaluronic acids and the best hydration.
See Hydration Serum with 3 key ingredients: Hyaluron (+), Hyaluron and Aquaxyl

Argan oil - All natural oils extremely valuable for hair nourishment, elasticity and shine. Natural argan oil is full of nutrients that have a beneficial effect on the skin and hair. It gives hair elasticity and firmness, supports its hydration, strengthens the skin's natural barrier and regulates sebum production. Argan oil protects against harmful influences, hydrates, moisturizes, preserves moisture in the hair and has the property of helping fragile hair and extending the life of dyed hair. The high content of unsaturated fatty acids such as Omega 3 and Omega 9 in argan oil are a direct source of vital nutrients for the pores and roots. These unsaturated fatty acids strengthen the protein structures of the hair and strengthen the hair. Check out the gorgeous Argan Ritual

Salicylic Acid- Salicylic acid is a common ingredient in anti-dandruff shampoos that helps remove dead skin cells from the scalp. It's a type of beta hydroxy acid (BHA) that works by breaking the bonds between skin cells, allowing them to be washed away easily. Salicylic acid is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce the itching and redness associated with dandruff. Cleanses the skin and helps remove dead cells, contributing to maintaining a toned appearance. It inhibits bacterial activity and acts as a preservative and antibacterial agent, while promoting the shedding of old and waste cutin and preventing excessive cutin build-up. It has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. Its pronounced keratolytic, bacteriostatic, anti-inflammatory and exfoliating actions make it one of the most frequently used ingredients for oily and acne-prone skin.
Crinipan® - A unique herbal anti-dandruff ingredient that works against the main cause of dandruff, the Malassezia species, Crinipan inhibits the growth of the fungus that causes dandruff. Prevents the recurrence of dandruff. Clinical tests: Crinipan® AD significantly reduces the amount of dandruff flakes. Dandruff increases again after 42 days (6 weeks) when the use of Crinipan® AD is stopped.
See Dandruff Serum

and the anti-dandruff ampoules