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1. This document regulates the relationship between "Beauty Innovation", EIK 202250225 and the users of the website, containing the regulation of the terms of use of the website and the relationship regarding the conclusion of sales contracts with Users/Clients/Users of the electronic store.
2. "Beauty Innovation", EIK 202250225, owner of the ELECTRONIC STORE is a limited liability company with headquarters and management address Sofia, Business Park, building 2, Email:
2.1. Supervisors:
2.1.1. Commission for the Protection of Personal Data
Address: Sofia 1592, Prof. Blvd. Tsvetan Lazarov" No. 2, phone: (02) 91-53-518
2.1.2. Consumer Protection Commission
Address: 1000, Sofia, Slaveykov square #4A, floors 3, 4 and 6, phone: 02 / 933 05 65 fax: 02 / 988 42 18 hotline: 0700 111 22 Email: info@kzp. bg
2.3. Registration under the Value Added Tax Act
No. BG202250225
Definitions used in these general conditions:
"User" is any natural person who acquires goods or uses services that are not intended for the performance of a commercial or professional activity, and any natural person who, as a party to a contract under this law, acts outside the scope of his commercial or professional activity.
"Merchant" is any natural or legal person who sells or offers for sale goods, provides services or enters into a contract with a consumer as part of his commercial or professional activity in the public or private sector, as well as any person acting on his behalf and at his expense.
"Supplier" is any natural or legal person in the supply chain of the goods who, by occupation, transfers the ownership or establishes, or transfers other real rights over goods in favor of another supplier or merchant, or who concludes a contract with a consumer in the public or private sector.
"Goods" are movable tangible things.
"Service" is any material or intellectual activity that is carried out in an independent manner, is intended for another person and does not have as its main object the transfer of possession of an object.
"Customer" is any natural person, legal entity, or other legal entity that gains access to the content of the online store and that has declared acceptance of an offer to conclude a contract of sale.
"Order" is the individual request from the respective customer through his personal profile for the purchase of goods, request for the purchase of goods by telephone, request sent by e-mail.
"Services" are all actions carried out by Beauty Innovation during and/or on the occasion of the offer, sale and delivery of goods from this electronic store.
"Electronic Store" - the current website, which offers cosmetic and other products and services via e-commerce.
The general conditions of bind all Clients/Buyers and users of the Platform.
4.1. Any use of the Platform means that you have carefully familiarized yourself with the general conditions for its use and have agreed to abide by them unconditionally.
4.2. "Beauty Innovation reserves the right to update and amend the General Terms and Conditions of the Platform periodically to reflect any changes in the way the website functions and the terms of its use, or any changes in legal requirements. The document can be opposed by the Clients/Users/Buyers from the moment it is published on the Platform. In the event of such a change, we will post the amended version of the Document on the Platform, so please check the content of this Document periodically. The general conditions that were in force at the time of the conclusion of the distance contract between the Buyer and the Seller are applied to each transaction through the Platform.
If any of the provisions of these general terms of use of the Platform is found to be invalid or unenforceable, regardless of the reason for this, this does not entail the invalidity or unenforceability of the remaining provisions.
The Platform may contain links to other sites. We are not responsible for the terms and conditions of websites that we do not administer, as well as for other information contained therein.
5. The website is a platform through which Users have the opportunity to conclude contracts for the purchase and sale and delivery of the goods offered by the ELECTRONIC STORE (SHOP), including the following:
5.1. To register and create a profile for browsing the ELECTRONIC STORE and using the additional services for providing information;
5.2. To make electronic statements in connection with the conclusion or execution of contracts with the ELECTRONIC STORE through the interface of the ELECTRONIC STORE page available on the Internet;
5.3. To conclude contracts for the purchase and sale and delivery of the goods offered by ELECTRONIC STORE;
5.4. To make any payments in connection with the concluded contracts with the ELECTRONIC STORE, according to the payment methods supported by the ELECTRONIC STORE;
5.5. To receive information about promotions, news and new products offered by
ELECTRONIC STORE, by subscribing to an electronic newsletter;
5.6. To review the goods, their characteristics, prices and terms of delivery;
5.7. To be notified of their rights arising from the law through the interface of the ELECTRONIC STORE page on the Internet;
6. Shopping through the electronic store is done in one of the following ways:
6.1. Registration by creating a profile at
6.1.1. By filling in his data and pressing the "Finish" button or another similar clear statement of will, the User declares that he is familiar with these general conditions, agrees with their content and undertakes to comply with them.
6.1.2. The Provider confirms the registration made by the User by sending a letter to the e-mail address specified by the User, to which information on activation of the registration is also sent.
6.1.3. The Recipient also confirms the registration through an electronic reference in the letter notifying him of the completed registration, sent by the Supplier. After confirmation, a User account is created.
6.1.4. When registering, the User undertakes to provide correct and up-to-date data. The user promptly updates the data specified in his registration in case of change.
6.1.5. When shopping by creating a profile in the ELECTRONIC STORE, the order information contains a listing of ordered products, customer names, contact phone number and delivery address.
6.2. Using an account on web social networks or other networks.
6.2.1 The Provider has the right to access the data necessary to identify the User in the relevant social or other network, which these networks provide to the Provider.
6.2.3. What data will be provided to the Provider by the relevant social or other network depends on their own rules and policies.
6.2.4. When shopping through a web social or other network profile, the order information contains a listing of products ordered, customer names, contact phone number and delivery address.
6.3. Shopping without registration can be done in one of the following ways:
6.3.1. By means of the ELECTRONIC STORE and shopping as a guest, in this case, for each order except for the selected products, the User should enter their name, contact phone number, email and delivery address. When purchasing without registration, acceptance of these Terms is required with each order.
6.3.2. Order placed on the phones specified in the electronic store. The order information contains a listing of the products ordered, the customer's name, contact telephone number and delivery address. for phone orders, the only possible method of payment for the goods is cash on delivery.
vii. Technical steps in conclusion of a purchase-sale agreement through an electronic store
7. When concluding a purchase and sale contract through the electronic store, users use the interface on the supplier's page, subject to cumulative compliance with the conditions described in this article:
7.2. The contract between the Provider and the User includes the present general terms and conditions, available at
7.3. Party to the contract with the Supplier is the User according to the data provided during registration, shopping as a guest or through a GOOGLE or FACEBOOK account, or the data provided when ordering by phone.
7.4. The supplier includes in the interface of its Internet page technical means for identifying and correcting errors in the entry of information before the declaration of conclusion of the contract is made.
8. The contract for the purchase and sale of goods is considered concluded from the moment the request is made by the User through the Supplier's interface.
9. For the conclusion of the contract for the purchase and sale of goods, the Supplier expressly notifies the User in an appropriate manner by electronic means.
. 10. The Supplier delivers the goods to the address specified by the Users and is not responsible in the event that the data specified by the Users is incorrect or misleading.
11. Users conclude the purchase and sale contract with the Supplier according to the following procedure:
11.1. Registering in the ELECTRONIC STORE and providing the necessary data if the User has not yet registered in the ELECTRONIC STORE;
11.2. Login to the ELECTRONIC STORE order system by identifying with a name and password or through a FACEBOOK or GOOGLE profile.
11.3. Selecting one or more of the goods offered on the ELECTRONIC STORE and adding them to a list of goods for purchase;
11.4. Providing the necessary data when purchasing goods without registration or directly by phone;
11.5. Provision of data for making the delivery;
11.6. Choice of method and moment of payment of the price.
11.7. Order confirmation;
Art. 12. The Supplier delivers the goods and guarantees the rights of the Users provided for by law, within the framework of good faith, accepted in practice, consumer or commercial law criteria and conditions.
12.1. Pursuant to the contract concluded with the Users for the purchase and sale of goods, the Supplier undertakes to deliver and transfer ownership of the goods specified by him through the interface to the User.
12.2. Users pay the Supplier a fee for the delivered goods according to the terms and conditions set out on the ELECTRONIC STORE and these general terms and conditions. The remuneration is in the amount of the price announced by the Supplier at the address of the ELECTRONIC STORE on the Internet.
12.3. The Supplier delivers the goods requested by the Users within the terms and under the conditions set by the Supplier on the e-shop page and in accordance with these general terms and conditions.
12.4. The price for delivery is determined separately and explicitly from the price of the goods.
13. The User and the Supplier agree that all statements between them in connection with the conclusion and execution of the sales contract can be made electronically and through electronic statements within the meaning of the Electronic Document and Electronic Signature Act and Art. 11 of the Electronic Commerce Act.
13.1. It is assumed that the electronic statements made by the Users of the site were made by the persons indicated in the data provided by the User during registration, if the User has entered the corresponding name and password for access.
14. The successfully registered User, as well as the one who makes an order by phone or an order through the website of the electronic store, or through a FACEBOOK or GOOGLE account, receives the right to order the offered products and services or to refuse or advertise them in the proper manner.
15. The user has the right to:
15.1. To view, order by individual request and receive products from the online store according to the terms and conditions specified therein.
15.2. To be informed about the status of your order.
15.3. Delivery of the requested product/s or service, to be carried out at the delivery address specified in the request, after payment of the sales price according to the order described in these "General Terms and Conditions".
Art. 16. The user is obliged to:
16.1. To pay the price that was current at the time of placing the order, according to the order described in the present "General Terms and Conditions".
16.2. Not to violate the rights and freedoms of citizens, according to all laws and regulations in the country and European rules.
16.3. To observe internet ethics and rules when using the products and services provided by Beauty Innovation Ltd.
16.4. Not to violate others' property or non-property, absolute or relative rights and interests such as property rights, intellectual property rights, etc.
16.5. To immediately notify Beauty Innovation and the relevant authorities of any case of committed or discovered violation when using the services provided.
16.6. Not to commit malicious acts.
. 17. The online store has the right:
17.1. Deny access and cancel user registrations.
17.2. To refuse orders at no cost to the user. In this case, does not owe compensation in any way to the user, except to refund the amounts paid by the user in advance, when there are technical errors made in the publication of information.
17.3. To edit the content of the website - such as existing prices, terms of use, products, services, information, photos, etc.
17.4. To use at its own discretion all comments, suggestions, ideas, etc., sent or suggested by users of the e-store They remain the property of Beauty Innovation and in this sense the company is not limited in their use and is not obliged to pay any compensation to users for their comments, ideas and suggestions.
17.5. To preserve materials and information used/located on the server on which is located or made available to third parties by a user, and to provide them to third parties and relevant government authorities in cases where this is necessary for preservation the rights and legal interests, property and security of "Beauty Innovation" OOD, as well as of third parties, in cases of claims brought in connection with violation of their rights in connection with information or materials used or distributed, as well as in cases where the materials or the information is requested by government authorities pursuant to an express legal provision;
17.6. To terminate, stop or change the provided services at any time without notifying the user, when the latter uses the services in violation of these "General Terms and Conditions".
Art. 18. The online store
18.1. It does not have the obligation and the objective possibility and does not control the way users use the services provided.
18.3. Together with its suppliers or third parties shall not be liable under any circumstances for any damages of any kind, including but not limited to damages for lost profits, loss of information or otherwise, arising out of the use, inability to use or results from the use of e-shop If, as a result of using the online store, its products or services, damages occur on your part, you assume all responsibility and all costs related to the removal of the damages.
18.4. It is not responsible for possible differences in the colors of the purchased products due to the specifics of computer screens. Applying for the purchase of specific products is considered an express consent by the user regarding their type and quality.
18.5. It is not liable to users and third parties for damages suffered and lost benefits resulting from the termination, suspension, modification or restriction of services, deletion, modification, loss, unreliability, inaccuracy or incompleteness of messages, materials or information transmitted, used, recorded or made available through the online store
18.6. Is not responsible for damages caused to software, hardware or telecommunications equipment or for loss of data resulting from materials or resources searched for, downloaded or used in any way through the services provided.
19. The advice, consultations or assistance provided by the specialists and employees of the electronic store in connection with the use of the services by users do not give rise to any responsibility or obligations for "Beauty Innovation"
20. The rules of section VII of these general terms and conditions apply to Users who, according to the data specified for the conclusion of the purchase agreement or during the registration in the ELECTRONIC STORE, it can be concluded that they are users within the meaning of the Protection Act of consumers, the Electronic Commerce Act and/or Directive 2011/83/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of October 25, 2011 on consumer rights.
21. The main characteristics of the goods offered by the Supplier are defined in the profile of each product on the ELECTRONIC STORE website.
21.1. The price of the goods, including all taxes, is determined by the Supplier in the profile of each product on the ELECTRONIC STORE website in Bulgarian lev (BGN) and / or EUR
21.2. The value of postal and transport costs, not included in the price of the goods, is determined by the Supplier and is provided as information to the Users upon selection
21.3. The method of payment, delivery and execution of the contract is defined in these general terms and conditions, as well as the information provided to the User on the Supplier's website.
21.4. The information provided to the Users under this article is current at the time of its visualization on the ELECTRONIC SHOP Provider's website before the conclusion of the purchase and sale contract.
21.5. The supplier must indicate the conditions for delivery of the individual goods on the ELECTRONIC STORE website.
21.6. The supplier indicates before concluding the contract the total value of the order for all the goods contained therein.
21.7. The goods sold are the property of Beauty Innovation
21.8. The user sees on the website only the products that are currently available. If it happens that a User places an order for a product that is not available, he is immediately notified by phone.
21.9. When using the provided means of communication with "Beauty Innovation" OOD, there is no additional value charged.
22. The User agrees that the Supplier has the right to accept advance payment for the contracts concluded with the User for the purchase and sale of goods and their delivery.
22.1. The User chooses independently whether to pay the Supplier the price for delivery of the goods before or at the time of their delivery.
22.2. The user has the right, without owing compensation or a penalty and without giving a reason, to withdraw from the concluded contract within 14 days from the date of receipt of the goods.
23. The right of refusal does not apply in the following cases:
for the supply of goods and the provision of services, the price of which depends on the fluctuations of the financial markets, which the Supplier is unable to control;
for the delivery of goods made according to the user's requirements or according to his individual order;
for the delivery of goods which, due to their nature, are consumable or cannot be returned or are subject to rapid spoilage, or there is a risk of deterioration of their quality characteristics, including perfumery and cosmetic products;
In the event that the user exercises his right of withdrawal, the Provider is obliged to reimburse him in full the sums paid by the user no later than 30 calendar days from the date on which the user exercised his right to withdraw from the concluded contract. The cost of returning the goods shall be deducted from the sum paid by the consumer under the contract, unless the consumer has returned the goods at his own expense and has notified the Supplier thereof.
The User undertakes to store the goods received from the Supplier, their quality and safety during the period
23.1 The term of delivery of the goods and the starting moment from which it runs is determined for each good separately when concluding the contract with the user through the website of the ELECTRONIC STORE Supplier, unless the goods are ordered in one delivery.
If the Supplier cannot fulfill the contract because it does not have the ordered goods, it is obliged to notify the user of this and to refund the sums paid by it within 30 working days from the date on which the Supplier should have fulfilled its obligation under the contract.
In the cases under para. 3, The supplier has the right to supply the consumer with goods of the same quality and price. The supplier notifies the user electronically of the change in the execution of the contract.
24. The supplier hands over the goods to the consumer after certifying the fulfillment of the requirements and the existence of the circumstances under 49 of the Consumer Protection Act.
25. The price for delivery of orders with courier companies Speedy and Econt, regardless of the number of products ordered, is at the buyer's expense. Standard next business day express delivery service is used. Express delivery is carried out for settlements described on the website of the courier company "Speedy" at
26.1. Deliveries are made only on the territory of Bulgaria and only after confirmation by the user. A representative of the online store contacts the user by phone to confirm the order and specify the day and time of delivery during business hours.
26.2. Delivery to an address is carried out by courier from Monday to Friday between 9.00 and 17.00. Deliveries are not made on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.
26.3. The delivery time is to 10 (ten) working days from the date of dispatch of the delivery. Beauty Innovation is not responsible for delayed shipment caused by the courier company. In the period of large-scale campaigns such as "Black Friday" and "Easter Sale", there may be a delay in sending the order up to 20 working days from its receipt.
26.4. Orders placed after 4pm on weekdays are processed the next business day. All Saturday and Sunday requests are processed on Monday.
26.5. The user is obliged to check whether the contents of the shipment correspond to his order before
26.5. The user is obliged to check that the contents of the shipment correspond to his order before paying the price. By paying the price of the order and delivery and placing the signature of the user on the delivery documents, the latter gives his consent to the type and content of the delivery.
26.6. The order is received only by the person who placed the order
26.7. If the goods are not delivered for various reasons during courier delivery, the latter is obliged to visit the site a second time within the working day or the next working day. The second visit is carried out after contact has been established by telephone between the courier and the person who guarantor of the goods. The return visit is not paid for by the customer.
26.8. In case of advance payment, and the User's refusal to receive the order within 7 days, the value of the products shall be refunded in the manner indicated by the User, and the costs of the payment shall be borne by the User.
26.9. The user has the right to refuse an order at any time before sending the delivery.
26.10. In the case of a wrong or missing product, it is sent the same or the next working day. A wrong product is replaced at the expense of "Beauty Innovation" OOD. In the case of a wrong or missing product, the User does not pay an additional delivery fee
26.11.The user can return a purchased product within 14 days from the date of purchase with an attached receipt or bank statement. The return condition is the product:
- not used
- be in intact packaging
- to be with the manufacturer's labels certifying that it is the original product
- stated reason for complaint
Return shipping costs are at the expense of the User. The money for the returned product, minus bank and transport costs for delivery, is refunded within 3 to 5 days from the date of receipt of the product back to Beauty Innovation and the return conditions are met.
26.12. The right of return or exchange does not apply to products or devices related to personal hygiene, according to Art. 57, item 5 of the Consumer protection Law:
- for the delivery of goods or services, the price of which depends on the fluctuations of the financial market, which cannot be controlled by the merchant and which may occur during the period for exercising the right of refusal;
- for the delivery of goods made to the order of the user or according to his individual requirements;
- for the delivery of goods which, due to their nature, may deteriorate in quality or have a short shelf life;
- for the delivery of sealed goods that have been unsealed after their delivery and cannot be returned for hygiene or health protection reasons;
- for the delivery of goods which, after being delivered and due to their nature, have been mixed with other goods from which they cannot be separated;
Contact for complaints:
27. The Supplier delivers and hands over the goods to the User within the time limit specified at the conclusion of the contract.
28. The User must inspect the goods at the time of delivery and handover by the Supplier and if it does not meet the requirements, notify the Supplier immediately.
29. The Provider takes measures to protect the User's personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Regulation (REGULATION (EU) 2016/679).
29.1. For reasons of security of the Users' personal data, the Provider will send the data only to the e-mail address that was specified by the Users at the time of registration/order request.
29.2. The Provider adopts and publishes on its website a Declaration of confidentiality of personal data, available at
29.3. By using the ELECTRONIC STORE, the User accepts that the Provider may use this data in accordance with the Personal Data Privacy Policy.
29.4. Identification of the User and his actions when using the electronic store is done through his IP address.
30. At any time, the Provider has the right to require the User to identify himself and certify the reliability of each of the circumstances and personal data announced during registration.
(2) In the event that for some reason the User has forgotten or lost his password, the Provider has provided a recovery procedure.
31. Information about third parties and partners of the site:
31.1. In order for our website to function properly and to improve the quality of service and products offered, we use the following software solutions that could access your IP address and analyze your behavior while on our website: Quick Checkout, DiscountOnNextPurchase 2.2.4, Mailchimp Integration Pro, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Mailchimp, Criteo, Viber, Allterco, Facebook, Instagram, Messenger - Facebook.
31.2. The online store, as well as most sites, automatically collects information about the hardware and software of your computer. This information may include: your IP address, browser type and access times.
. 32. The content of the electronic store uses the reserved signs and brands, photos from the catalogs, texts, etc. of different companies and the rights to these materials belong to the respective company. All other materials from the content of the site (including but not limited to photos, graphics, text, illustrations and design) are the property of Beauty Innovation Ltd. Their use for commercial, advertising or other public purposes, use through public distribution, copying, publication on other websites in the global network, the creation of derivative materials from the content of the electronic store, changes to the content, transmission, display, reproduction of the content, the creation of secondary materials are violations of copyright and related rights and are prosecuted by law. Users may copy materials from the online store for personal use only.
33. These general terms and conditions may be amended by the Supplier anytime
33.1. The Supplier and the User agree that any addition and amendment to these general terms and conditions will be effective against the User if the latter does not state within 14 days that he rejects them.
34. The Provider publishes these general terms and conditions at, together with all additions and amendments to them.
35. These general conditions and the User's contract with the Supplier are terminated in the following cases:
upon termination and declaration of liquidation or declaration of bankruptcy of one of the parties to the contract;
by mutual agreement of the parties in writing;
unilaterally, with notice from each of the parties in case of non-fulfilment of the obligations of the other party;
in case of objective inability of one of the parties to the contract to fulfill its obligations;
when the equipment is seized or sealed by state authorities;
in case of deletion of the User's registration on the ELECTRONIC STORE site. In this case, the concluded but unexecuted purchase and sale contracts remain valid and enforceable;
in case of exercising the right of refusal according to Art. 50 of the Consumer Protection Act.
36 At Beauty Innovation's sole discretion, a gift may be added to the order. The gift for each individual order may be different, depending on current promotions at the moment. Beauty Innovation reserves the right to make changes and adjustments to the gifts offered, depending on the type of current promotion
Promotions are valid while supplies last and cannot be combined with other promotions, discounts, promo codes and discount coupons. In order to receive a gift, it is necessary to add a product/products that meet the conditions of a promotion from the GIFTS WITH PURCHASE category to the basket. If the gift is available, it will automatically be added to the basket.
37. The laws of the Republic of Bulgaria shall apply to matters not settled in this contract, related to the implementation and interpretation of this contract.
38. In the event of a dispute regarding an online purchase, the customer/user has the right to refer the dispute for examination directly to the merchant "Beauty Innovation", through his associate at the telephone numbers, e-mail and correspondence address specified in these General Terms and Conditions. In the event of failure to reach an agreement between the parties and failure to resolve the dispute in this way, the dispute may be referred for resolution by the competent authority for alternative dispute resolution /ARC/, in which case the merchant provides the user with information on paper or another durable medium regarding the address of the website of the relevant ADR authorities, indicating whether it will use them.
Pursuant to Art. 181n, para. 1 and para. 2 of the PPE and approved by the Minister of Economy Sp
claim of the bodies for the alternative resolution of consumer disputes, the body for the alternative resolution of the dispute, in whose scope of activity this e-commerce store falls and to which the trader has made a commitment to participate, is the General Conciliation Commission of the Commission for the Protection of Consumers with Address: Sofia 1000, Slaveykov Sq. No. 4A, phone: 02/9330 517, website:, e-mail:
For online dispute resolution, you can use the electronic platform for online dispute resolution /ODR platform/, through the following electronic link:
39. These general conditions enter into force for all Users on 01.01.2024